Sunday, January 9, 2011


Scatterbrain: scat-ter-brain (noun)
Somebody incapable of organized thought.
A person regarded as unable to think seriously or systematically or to remember important things. Thesaurus: absentminded, vague, forgetful, carless, empty-headed, dizzy, unreliable.  
Welcome to my brain.
Thought one: Meg Abel for president.
Can I please nominate Meg Abel for president of the blogosphere? Anyone not seen the thirty day thing? If you haven’t, get out of the hole you sit in the woods and check the sphere. It’s on 90% of the blogs out there. Meg, your fans slightly resemble those of the Jonas Brothers in their dedication. Just saying. You know I love you. I got a million panties from Vickie’s and I almost took a picture for you. But that’s a little creepy.
Thought two: my usual church awkward story.
Today at church, I went to get a drink with my sister before relief society started. Have you ever noticed how awkward some drinking fountains are in the height department? You have to squat to quench your thirst. I made this observation to my sister, and then proceeded to dramatically make a spectacle of myself getting a drink. I then heard someone behind me choke back a laugh.
There was a line behind me.  And they were trying to keep their composure. I gasped and inhaled water. Last I checked, I’m not a fish therefore I began coughing violently.
Only I can make a scene at a church drinking fountain.
Thought three: new things.
Good news is on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday I go to class at noon. Bad news is I go on Tuesday and Thursday at seven thirty. Also, I accidently signed up for the same class, same time, same professor, as my sister. This should be interesting.
 I’m looking forward to the new adventure, all my classes seem interesting and I officially signed up for an institute class (someone tell Jolene). I’m going to try to talk to people this time around. Maybe I will sit in the mom corner and exchange recipes with them again, but I’m going to try to be social.
Church is going super great. I’m making friends, odd right? Some of them are of the male kind. I know I don’t usually talk to them, but they were super funny. Woman got a calling today. Heavenly Father hears prayers. Ward pianist! We’re going keyboard shopping tomorrow.
Something is coming. I can feel it. Can’t you? I don’t know what, but something is on the brink.
Thought four: upcoming story.
My lovely readers requested to hear the Cody story. Yes, that’s his real name. He has given permission for me to tell the story. Be prepared for journal entries, pictures, and a very surprising ending. The saga starts January 19, 2011.
Happy Sunday friends!


  1. woman,
    next time you buy a million & a half panties, you best be taking a picture.
    i've almost taken pictures of my favorite unds & posted them but i question if that is sort of like porn. We do not support porn.

  2. here here!

    i second your nomination.


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