Thursday, March 3, 2011


Guess what kids?
I’m not avoiding this post anymore. I will not delete any more posts to make the number appear. I don’t know why I’m dreading this, but, friends,
This happens to by my 100th post.
Does that make me old?
I’m not sure.
The facts are these:
Most popular post: dating diaries: the big watch guy (conclusion) (with 63 total page views)
201 of you people come from my friend Abby’s blog.
198 of you people come from Meg’s blog.
14 people have Googled ‘glowing bra’ to get to my blog.
I have 79 readers in Australia, 59 in Denmark, 29 in Latvia, 18 in Russia, 17 in the UK, 16 in the Netherlands, 16 in Taiwan, 13 in Malaysia, and 11 in France. Just to name a few.  (hey there world!)
My blog was most popular in October.
I have 134 comments.
And, of course, I have 36 amazing followers!
The goals?
Back to the same page views I had in October.
Double the following by August.
Comments coming out my ears.
The question:
How can I make this happen? Aka, what do YOU as a reader want to see more of? How can I make my blog your happy place?
The thanks:
Thank you, my furry little friends, for everything! For reading. For commenting. For making my past 100 posts worthwhile. For reading all my silly little adventures, watching me grow in this oh-so grand chapter of my life.
Happy 100th post! May the next 100 be life changing!  


  1. Happy 100th to you. I think you need more photos! Lots more photos. And stop deleting things. Excited to see you this weekend! Love, MOM


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