Friday, March 11, 2011

no more grumpy.

I feel like I start my posts with ‘sometimes’ much too often.
But, alas,
Sometimes, I get lost in sunshine and whatnot and don’t post for over a week. It’s okay.
It seems like everyone is grumpy this week. That rather bothers me.  I have reasons to be grumpy too, but I’m being happy now therefore I’m becoming water like my favorite manager tells me to.
I deserve to be grumpy for various reasons:
Reason One:
I cracked my contact on Monday. I wear hard, aka not the normal kind, contacts that cost around forty dollars to replace.  I’ve been wearing my old, old glasses all week. Can’t see a thing. Don’t fret. I drive around. Haven’t hit anything.
Reason Two:
I was rushed to the hospital on Tuesday for unknown reasons. Pain went away as we got to the emergency room. Didn’t go in, and I now have to go to a lady doctor next week. That alone gives me at least seventeen grumpy points. Robin. I AM FINE.
Reason Three:
I made rainbow cupcakes (you live in a hole if you don’t know where I got the idea from) for a friend of mine who got in a baby scooter accident. I even got him Hello Kitty Band Aids. He’s been grumpy to me for days now.
Reason Four:
My favorite manager at work is quitting. I worked with him for the last time this week. I’m going to miss him. I ran around work as we closed yelling ‘IT’S THE LAST BURITO!’
I could go on, but my point is made.
We all have reasons to be grumpy. But guess what? Being grumpy is a choice. The old me would love to wallow in the grumpiness, but the new me is being like water. Going with the flow and letting go quickly. I have too many reasons to be not grumpy.
Reason One:
My little red car. It’s clean, smells like heaven, and full of new gas. That makes me happy.
Reason Two:
I’ve been getting complements on how clear my skin is. Say what? For real. And I’ve discovered that my perfect man is Logan Huntzberger from Gilmore Girls. Don’t judge.
Reason Three:
It was SEVENTY FIVE degrees today. Shorts and sandals? Yes please.
Reason Four:
It’s spring break! I’ll be in the Fork on Sunday and a few men want to take me on dates.
Just to name a few, and I had to match four for four!
Happy Friday friends!
No more grumpy!
If you want to be happy, be. ~Leo Tolstoy


  1. I so love the new attitude! You'll be surprized when you get here. The house is like a war zone.


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