Wednesday, March 23, 2011

sometimes... [6]

…It’s much too sunny outside to do homework, therefore one has to color with sidewalk chalk until the roommates come and want to park their cars on the driveway.
The Hester Prynn vibe has leaked into the sunshine though, even the Baja Communications sales man asked me who the ‘little artist’ was, and told me that my child was very talented. Thank you Baja Communications sales man with the flame silk t-shirt, I’ll for sure be buying Baja cable. Right after I get back from the gym to lose this food baby that everyone seems to be mistaking for an actual child.
Some of my favorite drawings are…

A green eyed, purple people eater. (By me!)

Mr. Krabs, complete with armpit hair and a mustache for mustache march. (By Dallin)

We signed our work of course! Excuse the tire tracks.

Our dead bodies, we died. Didn’t you know?
Not pictured: Holly’s risqué mermaid, ‘The Welcome Mat’ by our front door, grass, the purple zebra, the yellow Christmas tree, and a few other gems. Hurry over, you can see them, it’s supposed to rain tonight!
Ah. Vitamin D.
GTL anyone?

1 comment:

  1. That Dallin has some artistic talent. And at least we won't offend the neighbors with the immodestly dressed mermaids.


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