Friday, December 9, 2011

hello finals week.

Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays by NSYNC on Grooveshark

(You know you love this song)

It’s hard to believe that I’m about to wrap up yet another semester of college.
I survived little ones, and I plan on returning to this school for my spring and fall semesters.
Crazy right?
I’m not saying that I love Rexburg,  but I love this school. I’m getting comfortable here, I have a few friends, and I know my way around finally.
Depression isn’t something to be joked about, so please don’t think I am being sarcastic when I say how bad my depression was at the start of this semester. All I wanted was to leave, go home. But, I’m finally feeling better.
Want to know something?
For the first time in two years, I finally feel happy most, if not all, of the time.
I’m so excited for the future. I’m excited to return home and be with my family, but the spring semester is going to be an adventure. I’m doing things my way, making my own choices, and surprising even myself.
This is what life is all about. Surprising ourselves, doing things that scare us every day. Making our own choices.
As I pack my boxes, take my finals, and spend way too much money on Christmas presents for my family, I’m reminded of all the blessings I have.
I’m in college, at a fantastic university. I’m passing all my classes, yes, even Book of Mormon!
I have amazing parents who support me.
I have silly roommates that are my family here. We fight, we yell, we cry, we laugh.
I have our savior with me every day, and I can pray to Heavenly Father no matter what.
I have the greatest, warmest, parka ever.
Thank you readers for sticking with me through all the depression posts, all the ups and down, but the smile isn’t being painted on anymore. It’s real.
Happy holidays friends. May yours be filled with happiness, love, and remember the reason for the season.


  1. you said it :) i'm happy for you! yay for surviving in idaho! haha

  2. Hooray for happiness!! :) Also... we should be friends over break.


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