Monday, January 9, 2012


This morning I awoke with a clatter, aka my phone falling off my nightstand.
I didn’t forget, I promise. I was getting ready when the Wendy Bird made contact.
I flew over to the dear old AF High.
And was hypnotized by my old psychology teacher.
I in no way believe in such things as hypnosis, but my German needed an over 18-year-old to be her best friend and be the show.
Aka, me.
I sat down in front of the class, right next to the Sign Language interpreter.
Then, Mr. W began talking to me.
And, then all the sudden my arm was hanging on an invisible hook.
I was aware of all the questions he asked me. I was aware of my answers.
But, after when he was talking to me I realized that I lost time.
Around half an hour of time.
And my right hand wouldn’t lift off the desk.
Apparently I talk really softly and got mad at Mr. W when he asked me if I would be willing to pretend that I was a boy.
Hostile actually.
Being hypnotized is super weird, let’s just say that.

I’ve been working like crazy, laughing, and watching LOST.
I’m happy little friends, I promise that I’m going to be better about blogging.
I’ve got a few stories saved up for you guys.
First up,
The story of how and what happened when I gave my number to a seventeen-year-old.

1 comment:

  1. Dear Megan,

    You were AT the HIGH SCHOOL and didn't come say HI to GINA and I? [Strike one.]

    Also, hypnotism totally works. I plan on using it to birth my child without [much] pain. It will be amazing. The best part about hypnotism is that you are always in control if you don't want to be a boy, you won't. Another cool fact: it takes a very strong mind to be hypnotized. :)

    Strike one = cupcakes... just sayin'. :)

    Much love,
    The Captain


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