Sunday, May 29, 2011

get me a slurpee.

If I wanted to listen to karaoke I’d go to  karaoke night. But, now that Glee songs have made it to radio stations, I’m losing hope in everything musical.
Don’t 'dislike' me.
Hate Glee.  
Any amazing new songs, little known artists, to help me cure the Glee blues?


  1. just the title of this post, alone, made me laugh incredibly hard.

    try broken bells; they're pretty good.
    that is, if you enjoy the shins.
    which i thoroughly do.
    i also just downloaded some halloween-esque music by ryan gosling's band dead man's bones.
    and the dears are good too.

  2. I too, dislike Glee. There is so much more music out there! The Radio knows nothing.

    Try Rosie Golan, or Issac Russell. Both are excellent.


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