Friday, May 20, 2011

let's talk about the biebs.

Let’s all be real honest for a moment.
I’m going to talk about The Biebs. You can choose to continue reading, or you may stop and judge me. I honestly don’t care. You probably swooned for JT or Lance Bass, before he came out of the closet anyways. Backstreet Boys? The Hanson Brothers? Remember them?
Boy bands that drive young girls mad. I’m just going with the musical flow.
Yes. I have amazing taste in music. I’m super humble too. But, I listen to everything. I don’t hate on any artist before I give them a shot. I gave JB a shot when he was still on YouTube. I’ve been in love ever since.
Sue me.
I listen to JB. There. I said it. I own several of his songs, and I may find his face attractive. Sue me.
Tonight, I went to my local Redbox and rented his movie.  Because what else to I have to do on a Friday night than watch the Justin Bieber movie with my dad?
I’m not going to weep at his concerts, or am convinced we are getting married, I’m just going to listen to his music and purchase his nail polish line by OPI. Why? Because the names slay me and I love purple.
It’s okay, you can admit you secretly love him too.

1 comment:

  1. can we hang out this summer and paint our nails with these? cause i'll invest. seriously.


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