Thursday, June 23, 2011


Guess what?
It’s my blogs birthday! Can you believe it?
It’s been a whole year since a started this little blog.
Confessions of a Recovering Pessimist.
Don’t fret if you don’t remember those days, it was a whole year ago. I have a commitment problem.
Then we where ‘With Love, Megan Rose’
Thankfully that one didn’t last very long.
After that we became ‘Let’s Pretend we are Mammals: a view from the top bunk’.
                Even more thankfully that one didn’t hold. It’s much too long.
Now look at us, we’re everyday extraordinary.
                This title was given to me by a very nice friend of mine who is amazing with words. Even if it’s been stolen for another blog, I still like it.

In honor of this joyous day, I’m holding my very first give away!
Be excited kids.
The lucky winner will receive a package in the mail including, but not limited to:
A Café Rio gift card.
JB nail polish.
My summer playlist.
And a few surprises, for pizzazz.
All you have to do to win is:
1.       Become a follower if you aren’t already, be ashamed of yourself.
2.       Leave a comment saying you’d enjoy winning and why you should win. The wittier the better.
If you want brownie points, make a post about it on your blog. But that’s not a requirement.
The winner will be chosen at random on July the first and anyone who meets the above requirements is eligible.
Thanks for making my blog something that actually means something, even if it is just a place for me to vent!
You all are the best!
Happy birthday blog!


  1. Happy Birthday blog!!
    Well, as you can probably guess, I would like to win:)
    #1: I was the first to comment!!
    #2: I have entered at least a thousand giveaways, contests, everything. Ask me if I've ever won one. Won one. haha say that ten times fast! Oh, I guess that is just like saying "one" twenty times...Anyway! No. I have not won anything.
    And #3: Cafe Rio is my absolutely all-time number one FAVORITE place to eat. Favorite.
    So, happy birthday to the trials and tribulations of your everyday extraordinary girl!! And you should pick me:)

  2. I should win because I am only seventeen and my lIfe is already spiraling so insanely fast into an infinite, dark abyss of unhappiness and nothing-ness with no other apparent solution!


    1. My cat just died.
    2. I got fired from my job.. And my mom's my boss
    3. I went to my first barbeque last weekend and dropped my fork by the grill and as I bent down to pick it up my hair was lit on fire due to an OD on hairspray.
    4. I never had childhood

    I don't mean to sound desperate but, you are my only hope and salvaltion.

  3. oooh, ooh, i want to win!

    i would like to win, because i can truly appreciate a cafe rio gift card.
    i would probably be selfless, and buy my mother lunch, because she adores their tortilla soup.
    also, the JB nail polish? i still long for it, even if you mentioned its downsides. :(
    (even if i don't win, we're still going to hang out and paint our nails. yes ma'am.)

    you should also choose me to win, because we got each other through junior high PE, with the beast with carpal tunnel, who hated us. granted, i probably wouldn't have survived without you.

    my final reason?
    i'm the last living unicorn.
    you never know when i'll suddenly cease to exist.
    poooof. and i might be gone.
    and you'll regret not letting me win this give-a-way.

    And If I Don't Win,
    i'll still love you.
    let's be real. haha. :)

  4. I think I should win.
    Happy Birthday!!!
    (Dont do Jenna cause she was first!)

    One of my goals is to keep nail polish on for longer than 4 days.....If I have a cute color that dream will most likely come true!!!

    I have a need to gain a few from dear cafe. Its been 3 pounds too long for me.

    Yes....well pick me.

    I could win because I love reading your blog, I read it as often as I read the scriptures. (Okay that was a joke and a tad sacreligious... :]) I love the things you have to say, and your writing is perfection. I should win because you've always been one of my favorite people! With your chicken obsession, our weekend tradition of the sticky shoe, and the HOLD THE PHONE amazingness... I've had some great times with you.
    Also, my man comes home in less than a month and I am freaking out. ANYTHING to get my mind off of him would be awesome! Love your guts girly! HAPPY BIRTHDAY WONDERFUL BLOG!!!

  6. I would love to win just to take my husband on a fun date! We're on a poor married students budget and don't eat out often.
    Love reading your blog!

  7. happy birthday, blog!
    meg deck. i would love to win. why?
    short & simple.
    i want to take you out.
    dance party in the street?
    cafe rio at sunset.

  8. Dear Megan & your blog,

    Happy Birthday to you. I've loved reading you blog. Your writing is extraordinary! My favorite post is the one about Holly's fateful 21st b-day. My 2nd fav post is the one about me.

    I deserve to win because you cried for the first 2 years of your life and I couldn't put you down. Not for nothing...

    I deserve to win because I just might take you to Cafe Rio with me. And think of all the postage you will save, just dropping off the goods with me.

  9. owowo. i would like to win just because. no you don't know me what so ever. but i love your blog and that is why i should win(:


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