Friday, July 8, 2011

star struck.

So the other day, aka yesterday, I was at work.
I look really good in my uniform. Trust me.
Anywho, I saw someone walking towards me who looked vaguely familiar. Then it hit me. This super cute young lady was Caliey! No joke. I whispered to my co-worker something about how she’s basically famous and I stalk her. No big deal.
So Caliey comes and orders from me, and I forget how to even talk. I’m literally star struck.
I try to be cool, because it’s not cool to freak out at people just because they are themselves, and ask if she is who I already know who she is.
And I say her name wrong.
I inform her that I love her blog, and then she asks me what blog is mine.
And I forget my blog name.
Bless you Cailey for not running away like the frightened person you should have been!

1 comment:

  1. oh please! that is not even how it happened! it was so great to meet you! i think we should be real life friends!


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