Wednesday, August 24, 2011


19 things I know for sure.
1.       Heavenly Father is real, and He is always looking out for me.
2.       Perfection is highly overrated.
3.       Weight is only a number.
4.       Family will always be there, friends come and go.
5.       Telling the truth is always the best option.
6.       Just because you like him, it doesn’t make him like you.
7.       Sometimes you just need to be still for a little.
8.       Music speaks.
9.       Happiness is a choice.
10.   Doing your homework will really help you in the long run.
11.   Never pee in a cup.
12.   The uglier you look, the more attractive people you see.
13.   You are never too old to color with sidewalk chalk or watch a Disney movie.
14.   He may be all frosting, but no cake.
15.   Blood doesn’t define families.
16.   Take criticism with a grain of salt. Hear it, dwell on it, and then learn from it. Let it go.
17.   Grudges will only make you look older when you are eighty.
18.   Miracles happen every single day.
19.   I am not lucky, I’m blessed.

It’s been a roller-coaster of a year, remember how depressed I was last year? I was up and down. I’ve learned so much since last year. I cannot wait to see what this year has in store for me. Who knows what is around the corner lovelies. But, I feel something coming. Something big.
What do you know for sure?


  1. One thing I know for sure:
    You, are a really incredible person.

  2. i love number 14. and you.
    and am still incredibly jealous that you went to josh groban. haha.

  3. One thing I know for sure:
    I will always miss yearbook but am happy with my life as it is right now. :)

  4. That you are a magnificent woman who will go very far. I hope this year is amazing for you! Happy Birthday again!

  5. One thing I know for sure:
    I am a better person for knowing you!

  6. "the uglier you look, the more attractive people you see"


  7. ha, uhm. p.s., that last one was me. Stupid blogger won't let me sign in!



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