Thursday, October 6, 2011



Here goes nothing little furry ones.
Question One: How do I like BYU-Idaho?
I’m going to be super blunt and honest, don’t fret. I came from Dixie State College so it was an adjustment. I wasn’t used to praying in class, singing hymns, or the fact that sometimes science class turns into Sunday school. It’s nice, but not at the same time. I really love the fact that my professors relate things back to doctrine, and that they can make a LDS jokes. I don’t like the fact that those blasted bells ring all the time. Haha! I don’t like the weather here, I miss the sunshine. But, campus is beautiful peaches! I walk in the gardens to class, and the male kind here isn’t too bad looking if I do say so myself. Get used to getting ring checked, it happens on a daily basis.
“Did you check?”
“No man, her sleeve was covering the finger!” Conversation heard only yesterday considering the status of my ring finger.
Church school is very interesting, but I’m learning to love it.
Ask me tomorrow, because most likely I’ll have another opinion. But, for sure apply. Options are never a bad thing when the time comes to pick a college.
Question Two: My least favorite thing about going to a church school?
Again, the bells. I’m probably the only one who doesn’t like them. I don’t like the expectations, I feel somewhat judged because I, A) Am not married, B) Am not engaged, and C) Not dating anyone. That’s just my opinion though; I often feel the world is after me. I don’t like being so far from home, and the weather that doesn’t allow me to go home as often as I’d like. Some days I really don’t like the dress code. It’s not that I would go crazy and wear a skanktastic outfit, but I’d love to wear my sweats to class once and awhile. But, it’s so nice to go to class and be able to talk about The Gospel openly, relate it to the topic, and we say opening prayers in class. That took some getting used to! But it’s nice to be able to have the extra blessing of prayer in each of my classes.
Question Three: A secret thing I’ve never told anyone?
Hmmm… Let’s think. I’m an open book, but I do keep a lot to myself. Something really recent is that I’m applying for something big. I really really want this. I won’t go into details, but this is really big folks. I’ll let you know when the time comes.
But another secret is that I used to have abnormally sweaty hands and feet. It was super gross. I used to have medication for it and everything! Thankfully, my sweat glands have calmed down!
One time I drove past an extremely attractive man that I know, I did an illegal U-turn so I could drive by again to see if he’d wave. He did.
Question Four: Where do I get my great music?
I’d like to say that it’s all me, because I have amazing music taste. Which is true.
I listen to everything! Quinci once said that I wouldn’t be Megan without my weird music. But I have dear friends who share their music with me. Taylor has shared his love of pop music with me, we went on a musical journey together for a year. It was impressive. Another friend got me addicted rap and Nicki Minaj. My brother is by far one of my greatest musical influences. Every year for my birthday he sends me a CD of a little known band, I always love them.
I like to stay local and unknown when it comes to music. I try to find Youtube stars before they make it. I went to Allred shows every other weekend it feels like! I try to share my music though! I’m super glad you enjoy it! Any requests?
Question Five: My favorite talk from each session of general conference?
Saturday Morning: A tie between Boyd K. Packer and Uchtdorf’s talks. I loved them both. Uchtdorf seemed to be talking just to me.
Saturday Afternoon: Carl B. Cook. I LOVED his talk. “Look up. Step up. Cheer up.” I’ll most likely needle point that on something. I loved his talk so, so much.
Sunday Morning: Robert D. Hales. I loved his talk. It was everything I needed to hear. “Sometimes we pray for patience, but want it right now.” And I also loved Thomas S. Monson’s talk. It was a sweet reminder that I’m not so alone, even though that’s how it feels sometimes.
Saturday Afternoon. Bennett. I didn’t catch his whole name.. oops. I loved this. “The power of choice.” I also loved J. Devin Cornish’s talk.
I just love conference! If you couldn’t tell!  
Question Six: Why am I so awesome?
Pssh. Abby. Please. I’m so awesome because I was raised by amazing people.
My mother, who deals with this bag of crazy 24/7. I love her dearly. My father, who worries so, so much about me. I love him dearly. My sister, who is, and always will be, my best friend. My German, who is my adopted sister. My Wendy Bird, who is my second mom. Heidi, who I’m her girl Friday. The whole 33rd ward. They’re my family. I miss them every day. Coach and the subordinate, these two women changed my life. I love them. I’m so, so blessed. Heavenly Father is always watching out for me. I have amazing friends and family who get me through the rough times. I may not mention you by name, but just know that I am so humbled to call you part of my family.  
I’m so grateful to you, yes you, my lovely little friends. I still am in awe that people actually care about my silly little life.
Thanks for the questions little ones! I want this to be a happy place, where we can be friends. We can support each other and laugh at all my silly mistakes.
Happy October. Happy fall. 

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