Tuesday, October 11, 2011

woman and the burg.

Guess what little ones?
Besides the fact that this here little blog has recently acquired more than 10,000 page views. Um. Hello world.
Woman came to visit me on Sunday night.
That’s right. My best buddy came to see me.
She was a little culture shocked when she first got here, but she eventually got over it. Maybe.
She may have compared it to Colorado City.
I took her to get Twisleberry because froyo is what college kids eat.

Anyways, on Monday we went on a grand adventure to ‘the city’, just like I used to call going to Salt Lake. We went to Idaho Falls, which is about half an hour away.
We were on a quest.
I needed Chili’s. Desperately.
Chips. Salsa. Queso.  
We found it!
Winner, winner, chicken Cesar salad dinner.
She then took me to the grocery store, because things are way less expensive in Idaho Falls. I have enough food to last me until December. No joke.
We did the melting crayons on a canvas art project, they turned out AMAZING! I’ll post pictures later.
We watched a movie, and Seinfeld like the old days.
It was just so nice to have Holl here.
But, of course, she had to go back.
Why does it feel like people always leave me crying in parking lots?
Thanks for the adventure Woman. I love you!

Ps. More posts are coming! Because of her visit, I blew off all my homework. Therefore I’m holding my blog ransom until I  finish all of it!

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