Saturday, October 1, 2011

your turn.

(This song has nothing to do with anything, I don't even drink coffee. But I love this song and I love Allred.)

It’s exactly like the Muslim trek to the Holy Land.
Except we are Mormon’s, and are going to Salt Lake.
They city. My city.
I’d love to be there, riding the train to CPK and shopping at The Gateway. Maybe even going to the zoo for the first time in my life.
But, I’m here. Being a good relief society second counselor. I’m in charge of the cinnamon rolls for the relief society breakfast tomorrow morning. Robin is very worried. It’s pop-n-fresh, I think I’ll manage.
Rexburg is deserted. Human contact is limited. I love going to Wally World and getting hit on by the night stalking boys. No, I don’t want to make you cinnamon rolls, but thanks for the idea.
And buying tampons from male cashiers. They just give you that look, the ‘OH! NO! Not those!” look, followed by placing the box in the bag like it’s a live grenade. Calm yourself buddy, it’s just a box of tampons.
Hmm. I’m sorry I’ve been neglecting you all lately. Therefore, we’ll do the standard, ‘I’ve got writers block and I’m a little busy’ question post/introduce yourself little ones. If I don’t follow you, I’d like to. Leave your blog address so we can be bloggy friends. If I already do, tell me what color your toothbrush is.
Ask away little friends. And on maybe Wednesday, I’ll tell you all my secrets. Ask anything. I’m feeling blabberish.
My question to you is, do you believe it is possible to look attractive while: eating, getting out of a car in a mini-skirt, running, or sneezing?
Happy conference little ones.
“Look up. Step up. Cheer up.”



    I'm assuming you go to BYU-I, what is your favorite thing about it? (Considering I'd like to go there)


    I want to know what your least favorite thing is about going to a church school....Oh and a secret youve never told anyone :)

    Plus, where do you find all your great music?

    I'm hailey and I love pumpkin pie & blog friends :)

  3. Oh and in answer to your question.... No to all except running. I've seen some attractive running :)


speak and you shall be heard.