Sunday, October 2, 2011

sunday musings.

I feel like my older posts are so poetic.
They are witty and fun.
Now, I just feel like I’m old. Elderly at nineteen.
Nothing funny has happened to recently.
I tripped on my toe this morning and the fall cracked my big toe nail in half, getting blood all over my Hello Kitty socks. I don’t have any Spray and Wash to get the blood out.
Robin just told me to soak it in cold water. She’s the brains of this operation.
Blood all over my Hello Kitty socks is not funny.
Words cannot express how much I deeply needed conference this weekend. It felt like every single one of them was talking to me. Telling me to stop being sad. That God has a plan; I just have to have faith in His timing.
Recently someone posted a comment on one of my posts that upset me. Therefore I’ve been hesitant about posting anything at all. Why?  The answer to that is simple.
Blogs can be read by anyone, at any time. That’s by choice. My words are here. My feelings and emotions are put out there for people to read. I’m growing and learning and I’ve invited you all along for the ride. But still, I’m a good person. I don’t deserve to have my blog turned against me.
So, person who left the comment. Thank you for helping me understand that sometimes I say things without thinking. I am sorry that I offended you.
We do the best we can friends. No one is perfect. Mistakes are made. Roommates hog the front room so I can’t go eat dinner. I think about transferring to yet another school sometimes. But that’s life.
Keep the questions coming, I love the questions I’ve already gotten.
Happy October friends.
I’m going home two weeks from Wednesday!

1 comment:

  1. Ouch to your toe! :( Super sad but hooray for Mom's who know awesome stain removal tricks. I'm not perfect either so that makes me glad we're friends.

    Q-What was your favorite talk from each session?
    Q-Why are you so cool?


speak and you shall be heard.