Wednesday, November 17, 2010

i have a question.

Tonight as I was waiting for the Criminal Minds scenes (that never came) a commercial for The Sexiest Man Alive 2010 television special came instead. First, I was miffed that I didn’t have any Criminal Minds scenes, and second I was intrigued because Ryan Reynolds was named sexiest man alive.
As a child, my nanny said that something was sexy one day and I was in shock. The word ‘sexy’ was a naughty word at that time in my life, because it had s-e-x in it. But, as I’ve grown it’s been introduced into my vocabulary as a spice. I say it rarely (It kind of feels like when you read a verse in Sunday school and  ‘h-e-l-l’ is found in one of the verses) but tonight, it posed a question.
What is sexy?
I recently saw a Vickie’s commercial for this rhinestone bedazzled bra and WHAT IS SEXY popped across the screen. Again, I ask,
What is sexy?
This is unknown. I’m very picky when it comes to the male kind. I prefer quite tall, dark hair, bright eyes, heart on his sleeve, and a priesthood holder. (I’m also told that I enjoy cowboys, this is found to be true) This man has yet to be found. I’m still waiting. But you know what they say about the longer the wait…
What is your sexy?
(this may be because of the feverish state i'm writing in. bless flu season in the george)


  1. the fact that ryan reynolds is people's sexiest man made my day 4% better.
    i'm being completely honest with you.

    but you're right.
    we all have different opinions of sexy.
    be them widespread, or very specific.

  2. a hairy guy with a cyclist's tan...


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