Friday, March 4, 2011

another post about robin.

Robin is my mother. That is the truth. Everyone knows that I adore my mother.
 She’s sassy.
I look like her, some say.
I take that as a compliment. I’m not brown, like Woman. I have Robin’s eyes, the Lloyd family light brown hair color, and freakishly long eyelashes, but I didn’t acquire her cleav. She says she doesn’t know where I acquired my lack of, but ‘it’s definitely not from her’. Bahha! I find cleavage comical. Does that make me four years old?
Today, I discovered this picture of her and her two college roommates. Look at the pose.
Dare I say fierce? 
 (she’s the one in the lovely pink polka-dot dress, picture stolen from her friend’s facebook)

I may have fell off my stupid pink chair laughing.
Oh Robin.
I happen to love you.

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