Wednesday, September 29, 2010

of rip and kramer

Fact 1: I love Seinfeld. Ask me anything. I randomly quote it in my everyday life.
Fact 2: Sometimes I think my American Lit professor speaks another language, because his English isn’t coexisting with mine.
Question: What do these two facts have in common? Answer: Rip Van Winkle is Kramer.
I took my seat on the front row of American Lit today, surrounded by English majors (I used to be one of them, but they frightened me out of that crazy train), I realized that I probably should have read all of Rip Van Winkle and not so much of The Bleeding Pidgins. My professor walked in, a few minutes late as always, in his usual striped shirt, shorts, and dress shoes with the socks pulled up. He then proceeded to compare George Costanza’s reaction to Suzan’s death, ‘the slightest of smirks’, to Rip’s reaction to the death of Dame Van Winkle.
“But, who exactly is Rip Van Winkle? Rip Van Winkle is Kramer.”
I have never followed the discussion of my American Lit class as intently, or understood it as fully, as I have today.
It happens to be Robin’s birthday, word to my mother!
How was your day?


speak and you shall be heard.