Monday, July 25, 2011

nmm (12)

Hello my little friends.
It’s late. I have to wake up in about six hours. But, I just wanted to say a few things.
First of all, thank you for sticking through my rants and depression posts as of late. I won’t promise that I won’t ever be sad again, but I’m done being sad about that. I’ve got more important things to do with my time.
Secondly, I want to thank my bestie Abby for making my blog look uber great. She’s simply great. Honestly, I love you Coach! You like? 
Third. I’d like to get to know all my followers that I don’t know. Please leave a comment with your blog address, name, and if a taco and a sandwich were in a fight who you think would win and why, so I can get to know you a little better.
Fourthly. I’m in the process of picking out a new book for book club, yes or no on the book club idea again?
And lastly. Goodnight lovelies.
Happy almost August.


  1. So my name's Linds from and I absolutely adore your blog! And I'd have to say the taco would own and if we are being honest there is no real theory behind that other than I'm biased toward Mexican food :)

  2. You're welcome. Thanks for asking! It was fun. :)

  3. I love your new blog decor. It's awesome, especially the header. You know me, and I think you know my blog so we'll skip that. But definitely a taco. Mexican food rules all.

  4. I am Sara and my [new] blog is I love your blog. I would have to go for the sammmich. The reason is simple. It is bigger.

  5. im angela(: my blog is (the princess life) i think a taco would win. by the way. your blog is too cute(:


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