Tuesday, May 24, 2011

currently i'm thinking...

I’m sorry to my follower who left, was it because I blogged about Justin Bieber?
                I have Prized Possession Purple toenails, yes that’s a JB color.
Two jobs? Let’s just pretend I wanted a social life and/or vacations this summer.
                I’m actually excited for them, working is always such an adventure.
I’m not going to obsess over checking the mail anymore.
                The best kind of a prize is a sur-prise!
When I’m not working or sleeping, you’ll find me at the gym.
                I’m going to be healthy by the start of my new college in the fall.
I’m only going to get on Facebook on Fridays.
                To break my addiction.
I’m going to keep my happy attitude up.
                To not only enhance my life, but others too.
Today I watched Hatchi: A Dogs Tale today.
                It’s a good thing I was home alone. I openly sobbed, not one glistening tear down my cheek, it was full on sobbing, swollen face and post-cry headache. You should watch it too.
I’m feeling maybe a new Blog title..
                Yea or Nay?
Hmmm. Frozen hot chocolate, a new headband, glow-in-the-dark sidewalk chalk, and a cute boy sounds pretty good right about now.
Pretty Little Liars countdown: 21 days.
Sleep? Yes. Why? Gym in the early morn. Why? To avoid attractive people. Why does going to the gym make you fell so chubby? Why did I eat that ice cream? Because ‘The Boyfriend’ aka Holly’s man, purchased it for me. I should pay him back. When do I work next? Friday at job number one, I have to go check job number two’s schedule tomorrow. Tomorrow is Wednesday. Darn it. No Criminal Minds. Derek Morgan. Yum. It’s 11:11. I should make a wish. No don’t get that Disney song stuck in your head.....                That’s all. 
1-2-3 bye.

1 comment:

  1. can we really hang out? cause you just make me so happy with the things you post.
    i whill watch pretty little liars with you even. :)
    for that show is a guilty pleasure o' mine.


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