Sunday, June 19, 2011

the papa.

Do you remember…
The time that boy said no when I asked him to preference? I came home heartbroken and you held me on the steps while I cried?
The countless times you woke up extra early to help me scrape my windows in your pirate shorts?
When you saved me from the fire?
That you are such an example to me, every single day?
That you are my hero?
How you used to back my car up for me because I was too scared to?
Singing in the car?
Sharing your music with me?
Teaching me how to drive?
All the computer help I’ve given you?
All the twisty cones?
Watching the Justin Bieber movie with me?
When I was in so much pain, I couldn’t move, you begged me to go to the ER, I refused, and you cried that you couldn’t lose me, then hung up on me?
Because I do.
I could go on and on about my dad, because he’s Drew. Everyone loves him. I honestly don’t think you could not like my dad. He’s his mother’s son. So inviting, always making everyone feel welcome. From giving kids coloring books to color, to cooking dinner for the adults, to schooling the youth on music and bikes. He’d give you the shirt off his back. He’s the go-to guy in my ward. He’s his father’s son in the junk department. Dennis? Yes.
My dad has been my safe-haven in my life. He’s been my rock. With his quiet encouragement and strength, I’m able to make it through.  I’m nothing without my dad. We yell, we fight, we get mad. But in the end, we always laugh about it. He tells me to stop yelling, when I really do it just to bug him.
Dad, you are part of the reason I’m going on a mission. So I can help families come together. If it wasn’t for missionaries, I might not be where I am today. I love you dad. For everything and back, you are the best dad. It’s that simple. It’s the waffles on Sunday mornings, the preset you have in my car, the ‘see this’ head-smack, the way you are the only one who is able to calm me down.
I’m not doing you justice, but I can’t.
You are my very best friend, and I’ll always love you. And that’s all that matters.

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