Friday, July 1, 2011


Happy Friday friends!
I am so, so excited to announce the give-a-way winners!
That’s right kids, I couldn’t just pick one winner. So there is a first, second, and third place.
You’re welcome.
To be fair, I used a random number picker. Everyone had the same odds, but your comments made my day! Honest! I have the best readers ever. I couldn’t pick a winner myself, because I’d pick you all!
Without further ado, I’m so pleased to announce the winners of my first give-a-way!
First place goes to….
                Miss Vallard!
Second place goes to…
                Miss Allison Marie!
And third place goes to…
                Miss Jenna-Lou!
Please contact me via email (, text, or Facebook, so I can acquire your address so I can send you your lovely prizes!
I wish I could have picked everyone who entered to be a grand-prize winner, but I do have something for EVERYONE who entered! Contact me the same way, and tell me your three favorite colors you’ll also get a little something-something in the mail!  
                Again, thank you for entering! I’m so, so lucky and humbled by your love for me. I think we should all meet at Café and have a wonderful time sometime.
Don’t fret little ones, I’ll be holding another give-a-way soon.
                Have an extraordinary day!


speak and you shall be heard.