Wednesday, September 14, 2011

wednesday rambles.

Welcome to a few Wednesday rambles. I’m good at it.

Enjoy the new Coldplay.
When I came to college this time I decided that I needed a happiness spot.
Just a few pictures and quotes that make me smile, that way whenever I’m sad (which happens a little too much) I can look at my happy thoughts and memories and hopefully I’ll not be sad anymore.
This is what it looks like.

My roommates come in and ask questions about some of the pictures, and I often point to people in them with my toes. But it makes me happy.
We watched part of Dead Poets Society today in The Heroic Journey. The Carpe Diem part. That’s why my happy spot and this click.
In my science class the attractive man came and sat by me again. We talked about Harry Potter and why I should have woken him up when he fell asleep.
Survivor starts tonight. That’s my incentive to get my homework done quickly, even if I just get to watch it online tonight. Yes, I’m the only person in American that still watches Survivor.
But, that’s okay.
It’s okay that I’m waiting for Emma to get here so we can go check the mail.
We love mail.
We checked it twice yesterday, just in case the mailman found our letters hiding in his bag.
Don’t fret.
Letters don’t hide.
Why is it that men cruise my parking lot 24/7? Really? I’ll see your super hot Honda and come a’running? We’ll go to the temple right now.
The best is our apartment at night, around midnight, when it’s curfew the cuples making out outside their doors is astonishing.
You’d think we lived at The Colonial or something.
Haha. BYUI housing joke.
Don’t judge me.
Homework friends.
That’s the name of the game.
How was your Wednesday? Can you believe it’s basically fall?

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