Wednesday, July 6, 2011

GPS: Girl Positively loSt.

I’ve never claimed to be good at directions.
I’m no boy scout.
Tonight, instead of sending my lovely give-a-way prizes via the postal system, I decided to get off my lazy butt and deliver them myself. And I couldn’t find any stamps.
I got lost.
                Very lost.
I have a GPS in my car. Kinda forgot how to use it, no big deal.
I passed Jenna’s house seven times. I felt like a creeper. Promise I’m not.
I hit a dip in the road super hard, thought that I injured my car.
Trying to find Allie’s house, that’s where my trouble started.
I got really lost somewhere between PG and Cedar Hills. But, I knew how to get to my friends house from where I was. So, I proceeded to go see Cymoni. She and Brett helped me MapQuest my destination. If only I was good at using such things.
I got lost again. It’s been over an hour since I’ve left my house. I then decide to just go home and send it in the mail, I’ll struggle and find a stamp.
As I’m trying to figure out how to get out of this maze, a cute older lady comes to my window and asks,
                “I’ve seen you drive past my house over ten times. Are you lost?”
                “I’m not a creeper! Promise! I’m looking for Allison Love’s house.”
                “The Love's? They live right there.”
She pointed kitty corner to her house.
I was right there.



  2. A lady in our parking area did a 30 point turn the other day to avoid just backing straight out. I thought of you. :)


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