Thursday, July 28, 2011

birds, bras, and birth control.

Target is one of my favorite places on this earth.
It’s one of my happy places.
Today, Robin went to the dentist. He hit her teeth with sticks and made them hurt. He found some other things in there, so he gave her some antibiotics to make those things go away.
Her mouth was hurting from the sticks so she asked me to go pick up her prescription from the glory place called Target. I happily obliged.
She also needed me to return something for her, so added as I was about to leave.
Her new sports bra needed to be returned.
It was a little…. Um… small for her.
Woman came along for the ride, because everyone loves Target. Even Oprah.
We entered the air-conditioned building and went straight for the bra department to get a larger size for my dear mother. She told me I wasn’t allowed to say the size, but it took me some time to find it. Bahhaa!
Woman and I then went to the returns department, finding a bored young man sitting there. Oh joy.
I handed him the two bras and a Josh Groban CD.
I make great purchase.
He snickered and then rang up my items.
Then we went to get the antibodies.
This is when it gets exciting, more exciting than bra shopping for your mother.
The pharmacist got the prescription ready, and then asked us which one of us was Robin. Woman and I informed her that she was our mother.
She snickered, and then informed us to inform her that taking antibiotics and birth control at the same time will make the birth control fail. So, inform her that she should use back-up birth control.
We informed the pharmacist that we didn't need any accidents.
Woman and I almost died laughing.
We then came home and had a s-e-x talk with our mother.
How was your Thursday?   

1 comment:

  1. HAHAHAHAHAHA! HAHAHA! HA! HA! ... HAHAHA! Oh man, that is awesome and also something to remember in the future. :)


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