Monday, August 1, 2011

nmm (13) + blog award.

I first heard this song while I was watching Monte Carlo.
I scoured over the internet to find it. Because it’s so, so great.
And, I did.
Enjoy lovelies.
In other news,

Thanks to Miss Lauren for the love. I think you are super classy.
I’m supposed to pass it along to another five blogs that I love.
Such a hard choice because I stalk a lot of people, shh! It’s normal.
I love Laura. She’s simply beautiful. Her blog posts are filled with joy and sunshine. She’s great.
Allie is the envy of every missionary girlfriend. I’m not a missionary girlfriend and I love her. She’s got spunk. We’ve been besties since the seventh grade when I was in love with…. Chickens.
Cailey and I are maybe best friends. I got star struck when I met her the first time. Her love for JB is enthralling and rivals my own. I adore her blog, her wit, and her love for Drama.  
Rachel is a new blog friend of mine, but her love for HP rivals my own. I like to read her blog. You should too.
Bree and Linds are also new friends of mine. They are me exactly one year ago. I love their blog!
Thanks for being so great friends! Pass the award on the five other great people.
In case you If you wanted to check out my guest blogger post I wrote for Heather Feather, click here! I was so, so nervous for it! But, I think it turned out okay.
Happy Monday friends! Any exciting plans for the week?


  1. meg. hailey here :) i hope you got my letter in the mail. in the hopes of not being totally creepy i found your blog. you're adorable. i love love love new friends. i'm now following you :) my blog is if you want to follow me. hope to hear from you soon!


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