Friday, September 2, 2011

dating diaries: belt buckle boy (conclusion)

“Where do you want to sit?” he asked me.
“Let’s go outside” I responded, thinking that the traffic would at least keep me entertained.
We sat, and he chewed the flavor gushers with his front teeth.
I decided to count the red cars that passed by, because he clearly wasn’t interested in talking to me.
Boob check number six. Red cars: 3.
“So, have you done anything fun this summer?” I asked, the silence killing me.
Boob check number seven.
“I’ve just been working.” He responded, “How do you feel about rocks?”
He then proceeded to give me detailed descriptions of boulders and rocks, and his encounters with them, for the next ten minutes.
I nodded, tried to look interested, and counted four more red cars and two more boob checks.
I could see his watch, 7:00. My time was up. If this was a disaster date, I’d be getting sixty dollars for lasting the whole date.
“I’m going to go throw my cup away.” I said, getting up for boob check number nine.
He followed me to the garbage, and then we got into his blue car.
“My family invited us to family home evening. Is that okay? You can meet my whole family!” he laughed.
“Um. That sounds like fun, but I’ve got a million things I have to do tonight, would it be okay if you just took me home?” I asked.
He didn’t say anything, but started making the turns to get to my house.
We both didn’t say anything on the car ride home.
And we both just stood in the street. He just kept looking at me, and I just kept playing with my fingers.
Finally, after we’d been standing there for at least five minutes, I asked,
“Are you going to hug me, or shake my hand?”
He then hugged me, gave me boob check number ten, got into his car, and drove away.

1 comment:

speak and you shall be heard.