Wednesday, August 31, 2011

dating diaries: belt buckle boy (part two)

“Do you want me to meet your parents?” he asked, as I tried to make it not look like I was just lost in his belt buckle.
“Oh, no, it’s fine.” I replied, going out the door.
I walked thru the sprinklers to his blue car and he pounced at the door opening obligation.
I bucked my seat belt and noted the time. 6:11.
“So, what do you want to do?” he asked me.
That’s right kids. A boy came to get me for a date, sans plan.
I told him about my favorite frozen yogurt place, and he said he’d love to try it.
You know how you have a list of questions to ask your date?
Where are you going to school? What are you studying? What color is your toothbrush? You catch my drift.
I burned through my questions on the way to Red Mango. All of them.
His one word answers were getting on my nerves.
“Are you good at Angry Birds?” I joked.
He didn’t laugh. He kept his eyes on the road. And my boobs. This was boob check number three. Don’t fret. I count. I understand one or two, but my boobs aren’t exactly monumental. They happen to be barely existent, depending on the bra. And I wasn’t wearing my good one. Or a low-cut top. Just a normal, scoop neck. Nothing exciting. Promise.
We entered the oh-so familiar Red Mango, and the girl behind the counter laughed and started to get my usual order ready.
Belt Buckle Boy ordered the exact thing I did, but he got the flavor gushers added.
He openly laughed when the girl told us the price.
“Do you want me to pay for mine?” I asked.  
He looked like he was considering it, but he paid for both after boob check number five.


  1. oh my.
    i have a feeling this will just get better and better.
    and i feel so bad for you.
    hahaha. really.

  2. i wanna kill him already!

    can't wait for the rest. keep it comin' meg.

  3. boob checks are the worst.
    what a classy boy.

  4. Oh my goodness I can't wait for the rest.


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