Monday, September 26, 2011

i found quasimodo.

Once, I sent my baby cousins some sort of loud Christmas presents.
My aunt promptly took out the batteries and told her children that they broke.
Oh, she’s gem. I really like her. I’ll do the same thing in thirty years when I have kids. (ew. That means I’ll be almost fifty. Double ew.)
BYU-Idaho got a loud present this year. And I can’t take the batteries out.
The bell tower got fixed, built, or they found themselves a new Quasimodo.
Hells bells.
Well, they play church hymns every fifteen minutes, for about fifteen minutes. Aka, those blasted bells ring ALL THE TIME.
It’d be great if they played one hymn instead of the DONG DONG DONG of the hour, but no. Quasimodo likes to show off his skills and have a whole set up there. I live right off campus, therefore I get to hear the bells ALL THE TIME, wherever I may be.
Oup. There they go again.
Hells bells.

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