Sunday, September 18, 2011

busy bee me.


Once upon a time, I’m taking 18 credits this semester. Call me crazy. You wouldn’t be the first.
Needless to say, I’m just a little busy studying. Which is fine, I enjoy studying sometimes. Sometimes being the key word. I’m staying afloat with my checklists. I haven’t gotten lost in a few days.
But on Thursday, I received a call from an Idaho number. I gulped and answered. I do not want a calling. Don’t fret. I just had to give a talk on conference. Much better than a calling.
This morning, I received another call from an Idaho number. I foolishly answered.
Say hello to the newest second councilor in the relief society.
Say goodbye to any claim I had on a social life this semester.
But I know that this will be good for me. Clearly it’s in His plan for me to do service whilst I’m here. I adore the president. She’s super great. She lives right next door, she comes over to talk to me or barrow nutmeg.
We borrowed her broom this afternoon.
It’s a great relationship. I can’t wait to serve with such an amazing sister. She’s a RM.
Happy second week of school friends!  


  1. Congrats on the calling! You'll be fabulous!!

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  3. Woohoo you are a busy gal! I wish you luck with your calling. Remember to take it easy and relax sometimes!!!

  4. Wonderful! You will be great! Just what they need!!


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