Saturday, October 23, 2010

single ladies.

“This is going to be an odd question, okay?” the male job interviewer stated.
“Okay..” I nervously replied.
“Are you in a relationship?”
“Do you want to be?”
“Um. No” I choose to be single I thought to myself.
Background Information:
I’d like you all to meet Jami. (she's the blonde on the left hand side of this page!) She’s one of my very best friends. She currently lives exactly 333 miles from me. Which is very odd, because last year we were hard to separate.  
I first met her in ninth grade. We had gym together. She was the very definition of cool. I was shy then and one day I got the courage to ask her for her email address. I never emailed her. In tenth grade, we were locker neighbors. She and her friends would laugh and talk about their adventures. I would eavesdrop and wish I was laughing with them. Fate stepped in and senior year we became yearbook editors together.  From yearbook camp on, Jami became my sister.
I always go to her with all my drama. She cries with me, tells me that it’s going to be okay, and I actually believe her. She always seems to call at just the right time. Like today at a gas station just outside of Las Vegas.
Body Paragraph:
I went to Vegas to get my hair done by my roommate’s best friend with Woman. I received at text at four o’clock in the morning from the ghost of ex-boyfriends past saying that he was in my city. I haven’t seen his tall bod since June so, naturally, I was flustered. I called him to see exactly what he was doing here and to tell him that I wasn’t even in my town anymore. No answer. No replies all day. Will my freshly bobbed and dyed hair, I was miffed and flustered, and I had to buy gas.
Jami called me as I was yelling at my sister to come help me because it just wasn’t working. I almost burst into tears right there at Texaco. She knows me too well and told me to text her when I was done yelling and apologized.
I’m so sorry. I’m such a mess today, it isn’t even funny.
Meg. We are besties we love each other even when our friends are hot messes!
My hair looks tragic, I have no money, “Steve” decided to make a smoothie with my heart again, and I miss you!
He is an attractive shell. He doesn’t deserve you.  
He’s all I have. I have loved him since eighth grade! He doesn’t deserve it, but yet I willingly give him my heart.
Why do you need a man right now?
That’s a good question actually. A really good question.
Meg, I really hope you understand what I am going to try to say. You can’t be lonely if you like the person you are alone with. You are whoever you practice being.  To quote Dr. Seuss “you are you, that is truer than true. In this world there is no one youer than you.”
Thought Process:
Do we all choose to be single? I know that I haven’t exactly had the option of a boyfriend for quite some time now, but why do I want a man? Do I really even want a boyfriend? I think in high school I did. Scratch that. I know I did. But now, I don’t even know who I am, I can’t even figure myself out. How on earth is a guy supposed to? We can’t be fully happy until we fully love ourselves and once we love ourselves, we can fully love another person.
Call to Action:
I, Meg Deck, vow to try my best ever single day to love myself. Find beauty in myself and others. Give sincere complements. Mean it when I say ‘thank-you’ to complements I receive. Avoid that little voice in my head (the one that Miley sings about in The Climb?) that says I’ll never make it.
I’m great. I’m beautiful.
And so are you.
Join me?


  1. yes. 3 hip hop hurrays for happy single ladies!

  2. You are great and beautiful! Take this from a girl who weighed over 200lbs in high school and only went on a handful of dates with not a slight chance in hell of a boyfriend... Once I figured out who I was and decided to be happy about it (far too many years after high school) along came an amazing, awesome, sexy guy who really appreciated my confidence and loves me for me! :) And saying "thank you" to a compliment will be greatly appreciated by Mr. Megan Decker. Remember that when the time comes and he says you're beautiful he really does mean it! :)


speak and you shall be heard.