Wednesday, October 27, 2010

hot mess tuesday.

I’m probably going to die young, very young.
Why you ask? Because I’m a worry wart, that’s why. Yesterday may or may not have kicked a few years off my lifespan.
Okay. Keep a road map of this story, because it gets a little complicated.
I interviewed for a server job at this funky little pizza place on Friday, I thought the interview went great. I laughed. He laughed. He asked if I was single (salt, meet wound). He also said that they’d call me on Saturday to let me know. Saturday and Sunday came and went with no call. I can take a hint; I knew I wasn’t going to get that job. It was okay though, because I had another interview at a clothing store on Monday. This interview was so much fun! I loved it and I knew they loved me (it was a group interview and as one of the girls left the group for her single interview I did the live long and prosper hand sign and said ‘may the force be with you’. Don’t fret. I offended two kinds of nerds in one try, but they laughed). They asked me to come back for a second interview..
Last night I was doing homework and whatnot when I got a call from the pizza place.
“Hi Megan, sorry for not getting back to you sooner. We decided to not give you a second interview…” WOW. Thanks. I really needed to hear this “…We decided to just give you the job” he finished.
I finally got a job! I was so excited. Even though I don’t enjoy working with food, it was a permanent position, not seasonal like the clothing store. I called the clothing store to let them know that I wasn’t going to come to my second interview, because I got permanent job. While I was on the phone with the pizza guy talking about black slacks, I got a phone call from the clothing store.
You are in trouble! You cannot quit on me yet!” the head manager yelled at me, “So you got a job. How much are they paying you and how can I get you back?”
I, Meg Deck, could now make demands.
 It was great.
(I had to quit the pizza place, but I’m so excited to work in a permanent position for this clothing store! I get to skip the second interview!)
When it rains it pours. God hears and answers prayers. Reading your scriptures and saying your prayers makes a HUGEE difference in your life, I have a strong testimony of this one kids. My life has done a 180 since I started praying every morning and night and reading my scriptures twice a day. I’m super blessed.
And today, on my way to math this guy stopped me, asked my name, and said ‘Meg you’re hecka cute. Have a great day’.
Indeed it was a great day, indeed it was.
I’m coming home for the Halloween weekend, Survivor and Criminal Minds is on tonight, I have cheese and bread (hello grilled cheese!), and I’m finished with my homework.
Happy Wednesday kids, I’ll eat a grilled cheese and say hi to Derek Morgan for you.
How was your Wednesday?
(Song of the post: Feeling Good by Michael Buble. A day without Michael is like a day without sunshine)


  1. lovely. I gained another nephew and got excited for halloween.

  2. beyond joyous. I watched the new criminal minds :)

  3. If I don't see you this weekend you are in BIG trouble... Just sayin'. This also goes for Q and J if they are in town.


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