Friday, November 5, 2010

grass eater no more.

I have a secret.
It’s one that I’ve only told a handful of people.
It’s weird, oh-so weird and Robin finds it a little embarrassing.
Are you ready?
I crave, and sometimes maybe eat, grass.
Yes. Just like a cow or your dog. Thanks.
It’s weird, I know, I don’t like it either. I look outside and see grass and my mouth will water. The smell of grass is my favorite thing in the world.
It’s something that I have kept quiet in the past, but I have told a few people. In fear that they’d catch me or I honestly trust them. I had to learn to be more careful because I got sick one time, my friend’s dad had recently fertilized, their lawn and my city switched to a different type of water that cows poop in. Good little Robin told me about that one.
Please stop picturing me on all-fours eating grass. I pluck a little baby patch of grass up and nibble at the roots, I know people eat the white part, but I keep going and it’s just gone.
I’m not weird. I promise.
I have a medical condition.
I recently found it in a Google search. I’ve known about my anemia (not having enough red blood cells for the body to function properly) for about a year now, but I didn’t know that Pica was a side effect of it. “Pica is when you eat non-food items such as paper, dirt, and grass. People with anemia often have unusual cravings otherwise known as Pica...It is not unusual to observe adults with pica chewing on unusual items.” (to read the whole article I found and quoted, click here!)
So, now you know, now I know; now the world knows that I’m a freak that eats grass. I’m trying to stop though. And now that I know that if I take an iron pill like I’m supposed to, the cravings will go away!
Okay friends, what’s one of your secrets?


  1. i spend ridiculous amounts of money on panties. i'm addicted. i splurge. also, i eat burritos cold. they're fine warm, but cold? it's a sin to taste that good. you probably think i'm joking.

  2. every time i see a stray cat i chase after it.

    they're always faster than me.

  3. oh, and for another secret. i'm in love with shelbie shill. it's normal.


speak and you shall be heard.