Monday, January 17, 2011

grumpy gills.

Sometimes things happen.
Sometimes I don’t feel like talking about my ex boyfriend in blog form. He’s a good kid, but I don’t want to have him here. I’ll do a prom special or something. But not the epic six part story I had written.
Sometimes I go to work and am completely grumpy.
Sometimes, while I’m grumpy, my coworker tells me to calm down and the secrets to the male brain with a diagram.
Sometimes I eat too much cheese.
Sometimes I accidently became addicted to doctor pepper.
Sometimes I think too much.
Sometimes my blog doesn’t feel safe for my thoughts anymore.
Sometimes I’m grumpy.
Sometimes my blog feels read.
Sometimes today wasn’t so great.
                Tomorrow will be better.


  1. Tomorrow will be better! We all have our grumpy days!

  2. remember. i still love you. escpecially since i am doing you this wonderful favor :)

  3. Oh man, sometimes I have those days too! I am sorry! P.s- love your bloggity blog!


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