Friday, February 18, 2011


I know, little blog friends, that I’ve been very, very bipolar lately. This has been a very, very hard little adventure I found myself in. The story is still a little fresh to be told, but my heart needs a pep-talk. It’s been broken a little this week.
Dear Heart,
Hey. It’s me. I know you’ve been trying to talk to me lately, but my head has been talking lots too. I think you two are in a fight. I’m not quite sure though.
I know you liked him. But, I’m going to have to go with my head on this one. Heart, I let him go today. He broke you, I have to protect you while we put the pieces together again. We can do it.
I purchased He’s Just Not That into You online for seventy five cents. It’s coming any day now. I’m told that it’s supposed to help us understand how the male mind works. Because, as you know, we clearly struggle in that area.
I know. I thought he liked me too.
I really thought he liked me too.

He liked her more. He didn't pick us.
But, we all must change and grow. It’s time for us to let go, it’s time love. It’s time to stop settling for the stupid guys who hide you in thrift stores.
I know it’s hard, but the crying is over.
Listen to my head will you? Sometimes, it’s the only one of us that makes sense. Sometimes, you shouldn’t do what you think. Sometimes, heart, you are wrong.
The Hello Kitty band-aids are in the drawer, and Ben and Jerry will be here soon.
I love you, even if you are oh-so stupid sometimes. I’m sorry you are broken. We made a bad call didn’t we?

1 comment:

  1. remember how on days like this we would get a redbox and sing songs in the bronco? i'm sorry you're hurting.


speak and you shall be heard.