Friday, February 11, 2011

"....this is mine?"

Today was one of the greatest days ever.
Ask me why?
Do it.
                So today, I went to school. Aced my presentation on why young people should care about politics. Stuck it to my super rude professor. Got really bad frozen yogurt (I’m sorry Krave. I’m coming back! I’ll never leave you again!) Then, got a call from a very nice young man. We went on a lovely adventure. I helped him buy pants at my work. I knew the girl at the register was a big mouth. I kept thinking, ‘just don’t anything, just don’t say anything’. She said something.
                “Is this your boyfriend?”
                “UM. No, this is my friend.”
                “Is this the guy you always talk about?”
I hurried and handed her his credit card, praying he didn’t hear what I knew he just heard. We proceeded to frolic and play, the St. George way. Then he had to go meet someone, so I drove home. I made my way up the hill and past the side of my neighborhood. I saw a very familiar site. A gray head and a grey sweater.
Robin and Drew.
The parents.
My parents.
I began crying when I turned and saw that they really are here. I parked the mom-mobile and ran to them. After the hugs my mom asked,
“What do you think of YOUR NEW CAR?” pointing to the cutest red car parked in my driveway.
No more mom-mobile for me kids, I’ve got thee hottest red Suzuki. It’s little and perfect.
Bass? Prime.
So, Meg, why was your day so great?
First of all, my parents came for a visit. Second, I got a CAR. Thirdly, I’m seeing the boy again as soon as he’s done being social. Fourth, my parents came baring more gifts. And lastly, I’m alive.
I’m young. I’m happy.
I’m not lucky,
I’m blessed.
Pictures and video coming soon.
Happy Friday friends.
How was your day? 

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