Monday, March 28, 2011

dating diaries: the prom special [conclusion]

I’m going to just say it, prom is highly overrated. It’s over priced, and overly dramatized.
Not saying that I had a bad time or anything, it was one of the best dances I attended in my high school days. I just wanted to truth out there.
It’s just like any other dance, with super puffy dresses and highly emotional people.
Saturday, April 25, 2010, Cody came and picked me up to go play tennis. He’s pro, don’t worry. That was my fourth time playing tennis in my entire life. It’s normal.
Guess who won? ME!
He claims that he let me win, we’ll just let him shall we?
We then went and picked up our flowers, my corsage and his boutonniere, which I had ordered the week before.
The advantage to not living in the same state as your prom date is the fact that you get to plan almost everything he’ll let you. In my case, that was a lot of things. I picked out his tux, my flowers, his flower, most of the day date, what group we were in, and whatnot. Everything, and I mean everything, matched perfectly. And I got to do something that is the latest craze in prom fashion.
If you people don’t know that I’m never without a headband, just so you know, I’m never without a headband. I’m naked without one. I’m known for my huge, blue flower that is easily twice the size of my head.
Therefore, I had my corsage made into a headband. It was thee hottest thing at prom, I kid you not. It took planning with the flower shop, and I had to provide my own headband for them to make it on. But, it was totally worth it.
We then went to my house and blew bubbles and played freebee.
He left to move a piano and said he’d pick me up for dinner at six.
Dinner at my favorite restaurant. With my best friend doubling with his brother.
Best choice ever: not getting ready before dinner. I could eat and not be worried about spilling, and I could breathe!
I then went home and sent my German off on her date.
Then I finally got ready.
My dress was white. And HUGE! Nine petticoats, repeat, NINE petticoats. My makeup was simple. My headband huge.

I looked good, if I say so myself.
Cody came to pick me up right on time, like a perfect Southern Gentlemen. He didn’t have to awkwardly slip a flower adorned elastic around my wrist, but I still had to not stab him with the boutonniere. Fact: I once stabbed myself with the pin and bled a little on my preference date’s tux. Don’t fret, after a little trial and error I got it. No blood.
We got into his brother’s car and drove away, as my sister yelled “YOU CAN KISS HER!”
My dress was so huge, he had trouble shifting the little car because the nine petticoats.
Cody forgot the tickets at his brother’s house, so we had to go to BYU to get them.
I got whistled at. It’s normal.
Now, I’m boring myself with this, so I’ll skip the usual. We danced. I attempted to jerk. Cody did all sorts of Southern dances. We laughed. And left early. To go have a head-to-head challenge.
The battle of waters.
I will fight for my SmartWater, it’s the best. He claimed that Fugi water is king of the waters. We had a water taste test. So, so much fun.
As we were walking around Walgreens, an elderly woman looked at us and said to me, “Oh! Sweetie! Congratulations!” Cody was confused and said thank you. I was horrified. “NO! We didn’t get married! We just went to prom!” I informed her as Cody turned bright red and laughed until he almost fell over.
He then took me home. The awkward door step scene.
He hugged me. That’s all. He flew all the way from Georgia to not kiss me?
How anticlimactic.
He came to church with me the next morning, before he had to fly away. We said goodbye outside of the room where we met.
A week later, I found a box on my doorstep, the same doorstep where we sat and talked for hours via phone or over that last weekend. A box full of my favorite flowers and a note saying thank you for going to prom with him, that he had a great time, and that I was a fantastic friend.
The whirlwind relationship of Mr. Cody and myself was, in a word, dreamy. I can’t imagine my senior year without his southern accent. He’s honestly one of my very good friends. I can text him at anytime and he’ll call me at two in the morning asking for directions. He’s so, so strong in the Gospel. The people of Mexico are so lucky to be getting him in a few months. Oh yes, we have our days where I’ll vow never to speak to him again, and I yell at him. But, he somehow makes me not mad at him every single time.
So, publicly, Cody, thank you for all the memories. I had a wonderful time at prom too.
We had quite the adventure didn’t we?

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