Saturday, March 12, 2011

dating diaries: the prom special.

We met, for the second time, on a Sunday.
I in a blue dress, he in a red sweater. He smiled at me as he sat in the chair directly across from mine. He gave me little butterflies with that smile.
His name was Cody, he was friends with a friend of mine. We met in Sunday School.
I knew I would never see him again. I didn’t know that he went searching for me after church was over, seeking for me and wishing to acquire my phone number.
I decided to be bold. Brave. Fearless. I was Facebook friends with him because I had already met him the winter before (this was around December), so I sent him a message, with my number.
Not two minutes later I got a text from him.
He was funny, charming, and oh-so sweet.
But wait. He lived in Georgia.
Some facts:
He goes to a grand total of three proms, two of which with other girls. I jerk at prom in my four inch heels. People think we got married. But, at the end of the day, we’ve ‘broken up’ around three times now. There are tears, joy, laughter, a southern accent, vans, flowers, and, of course, my one and only prom.
Welcome to this dating diary: the prom special.  


  1. I've been waiting for this.....

  2. Oh joy. In my quest for truth, I will attempt to set the record straight on a few counts. :) You DID NOT jerk in your 4 inch heels! You have to have some color in you, which I do, but you don't. Second, we've broken up three times???? Really??? When did all of this happen? haha.


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