Sunday, March 13, 2011

dating diaries: the prom special [part two]

I wasn’t sure how anything would work out between us, I didn’t even know if there was a us.
But, of course, it did.
We texted non-stop, we talked on the phone, and of course, he sent me flowers on Valentine’s Day.  I sent him a package too; I forgot the card at my house and wrote a quick note on the back of an envelope at the post office.
Prom season came rolling around, it would have been magical if he could ask me but I knew it would take a miracle.
We talked about him coming, or me going, to prom.
But, it was very clear to me that prom for me was out of the question when he asked another girl to his prom. He said it very casually, just ‘oh, I asked my friend Jessica to prom a few nights ago’. He even sent me a picture of her ‘YES’ reply pizza.
Then, he was asked to another prom.
He said yes.
He was going to one prom, then another, and the next Saturday was the night of my prom. I knew, without a doubt that I was not going to be attending my prom.  
But, of course, little did I know that my best friends were helping him ask me.
The very next night.

1 comment:

  1. Her name wasn't Jessica! It was Breanna! And she replied using a YES cookie! haha Just setting the record straight megan. :)


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