Wednesday, April 6, 2011

ode to the yellow envelope.

I’m cautious. I make lists and plan. I don’t like surprises, and often wear my heart on my sleeve.
I get myself into situations.
But, when a letter from the MTC came to my mailbox, I had to put my head between my legs. My neighbors think I’m insane.
I didn’t get myself into this situation. I’d quietly closed that door, but someone else opened it back up again.
He wrote me.
He said wonderful things that made me miss him oh-so much.  
Guess what? He misses me. He said so.
Oh heavens. What am I to do?  
All I know is that a little yellow envelope is going to the MTC, I wrote back.
We’ll see about this one.
You can’t take back the words you never say.

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