Monday, July 18, 2011

nmm (11) + dream.

It’s like Inception says, you can’t remember how the dream starts.

You’re just there, and you’re okay with it.
Even in my dreams, he wouldn’t hold my hand. That’s all I wanted as we were watching Harry Potter, in Hogworts. We then went to fight Tom Riddle, and I begged him to hold my hand.
He wouldn’t.
We fought Death Eaters together and everything. You’d think if I’d just saved the world, he’d at least hold my hand.
But, he wouldn’t.
I can remember his face as I was waking up.
                That look will forever haunt me.
I woke up and thought to myself, Even in my dreams he rejects me.
That’s all I’m going to say about him, Mr. Bluebird aka the missionary.
For awhile. A long while.
I’m sorry I’ve been such an absent blogger. Works have been crazy.
Tell me something happy?


  1. Something happy! My missionary comes home today!! WOOHOOO!

  2. I'm having a baby that you and Xander both think is a girl and Xander loves you so much he yells your name and runs across the movie entry way just for a hug. :)


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