Monday, August 15, 2011

nnm (15)

I’d like to direct you to the post Quinci made about the lovely evening in which I almost got arrested for not having a trax ticket. I had the receipt for the ticket I got for Robin, which the police man checked against my credit card, therefore making it look like I ‘lost’ my ticket. Click HERE for the full story.
But, Josh Groban.
He’s amazing.
He’s funny.
And he’s super talented.
This is a Neil Diamond song that Josh preformed. I melted in my nose bleeder seat.  Look at this face Ladies.

And this is the comical sketch he did on Jimmy Kimmel Live. He sang a few of these songs at the concert. I laughed, so hard.

I fell in love Saturday night with Mr. Josh Groban. Yes. Yes I did.
Happy Monday friends.

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