Tuesday, September 13, 2011

college. it happens.

I should be sleeping.
Or reading.
I’m taking young adult lit. we are supposed to read three+ books a week. I’ll be living with my Nook in my hand at all times. Don’t fret.
College is going a lot better than I expected it to.
Remember how bummed I was in my last post?
Don’t worry. I’m feeling a lot better now.
I even attempt to eat now-a-days.
It’s nice to finally have things to do with my time, such as going to class or doing homework. Or driving my roommates to buy dish washer soap because we ran out of spoons.
I know that things aren’t always going to be easy, I understand that life isn’t supposed to be sunshine and rainbows.
Sometimes Heavenly Father gives you a trail.
And a tribulation.
But, that’s life.
I’m going a little Shelbie Shill on you all tonight.
Don’t hate.
Today at the bookstore, there was a super attractive young man in line in front of me. He was holding a book I’ve already read. After asking if this was the end of the line, I told him that the book he was holding was actually really great.
He asked me about it.
We talked.
We were flowing.
Enter Shane.
Shane is my new friend. He’s friends with Quinci’s boyfriend. Therefore Shane and I are automatically friends. He’s actually super nice. He picked up my letter for me on Saturday night and brought it to me.
Shane grabbed me by the shoulder, his thumb digging into the skin in the dip of my collarbone, and pulled me away from the attractive man.
He then asked me to buy a binder for him while he went to class.
By the time I found the binder, the attractive man was super far ahead in line.
Bye attractive man. Three Cups of Tea is pretty good.
Silly Shane.
I walk up and down a hill to go to school. Sometimes I try to be social, but homework is my best friend.
Quinci and I have ‘homework time’.
We’re best friends/roommates. It gets hard sometimes, because we get hostile. But in the end we always say sorry and everything works out.
BYU-I is a whole lot different than Dixie State. It’s a whole new world up here.
It’s already starting to get cold.
I must get going. But I just wanted you all to know that I’m doing okay now.
I’m not going to hop in my car and drive away.
Coldplay has a new song out. Cheeckk it out.
One more thing.
I got a super great letter this week.
That’s all.


  1. i love being mentioned in your posts.

    you're one of a kind, MegDeck.


    and i love you.

  2. I'm glad things are going better for you! Keep it up!!! You're awesome.


speak and you shall be heard.