Thursday, April 7, 2011

a mother's day novel.

It’s hard for me to describe my relationship with my mom as a ‘mother/daughter’ relationship because my mom has always been my very best friend. I never went through the ‘I hate my mom’ stage of teenageness. I turn to her with every problem. This year was tough, a real trail, and she was there every day, without fail, telling me that she loved me and it would all be okay.
Mom, you’ll never know how much that meant to me. I remember that night, when everything was wrong. I called you weeping, begging you to let me come home. You told me that it was going to be okay, I had to fix it for myself because I’m grown up now. But, you told me that you loved me and you’re always going to be there when I need you.  
You’ve always been there when I looked back. You’ve always been there from day one when I was crying for the first two years of my life. You were the only person I’d let hold me. We’ve been best friends since the days when you had to cook with me in a backpack. You make me want to be a better person every day.
Mom. Thank you. I can’t put it any simpler than that.
I’ve never been afraid that you’d hate me, or not love me any more than you already do. I’ve always known that no matter what mistake I’ve made, how much I was speeding, if I failed a test, or had my heart broken that you’d be there for me. You’ve been there for countless hours of math homework, patiently waiting for me to understand.
You let me make my own mistakes, and don’t judge me when I realize I was wrong. You let me fly away, but always give me a safe place to land.
I want to be like you when I grow up.
I’m so, so blessed to be able to call you my mother, Heavenly Father knew that I needed you. Everyone loves you, but I love you most.
It’s a little cliché, but I have the most amazing mom in the world.
That doesn’t mean that you mom isn’t the most amazing too. I’m just a little biased.
Happy mother’s day to all my second mothers out there.  
My Wendy Bird. Heidi. My ward moms. My kooky Granny. My Granny Josie in Heaven. You all know who you are and I love you.
Happy mother’s day to you all.

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