Monday, October 3, 2011

insecurity number seven.

I have something to tell you.
I’ve always been really insecure about something. It’s always been something I’ve covered up and tried to hide. But, I’m trying this new thing where I try not to care what people think, that I’m going to do what I like to do. It doesn’t matter that I actually like to sit in the library and do my homework, then stop off at the art exhibit on my way home or that I like to wear stripes, polka dots, and prints all in the same outfit.
Back to the point.

These are my feet. And I’ve always hated them. I hate that the second toe is longer than the big toe. I hate that they always look slightly purple because they are little. I hate the scars from the parade when I wore my new Chucks that I hadn’t broken in yet. I hate that they are so sweaty and cold all the time.
 But if my feet are one of my biggest insecurities, I think that that’s a pretty good thing. Some people don’t even have feet. Let alone ugly ones like mine.
I’m going to try to learn to love myself, ugly feet included. I welcome you along for the ride. Because guess what?
You are beautiful. I bet you see a million flaws looking back at you, you wonder if people notice that your hair isn’t just so or that your jeans give you a roll. But, I bet that when someone looks at you they see a pretty smile, the cutest freckles, or a sparkling personality.
Guess what lovelies?
I think you are lovely. I think you are great. Don’t ever forget it. 
Just be you, life is too short to be anybody else.
Happy Monday friends. Keep the questions coming!

1 comment:

  1. I think this is the first time I've seen your feet haha. You have princess toes just like me.


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