Saturday, December 3, 2011


I’ve decided something recently.
I’m going to live my life.
I feel like I spend half my time waiting on other people to make the plan, to go with me somewhere, or to just help me be brave.
Guess what?
I’m sick of being a doormat.

I’m sick of always being home so no one ever brings their keys, so when I go to bed they bang on the door to make me open it.
I’m sick of waiting for things to happen.
I’m ready to open up and try.
I’ve been doing things on my own, doing what I want to do.
Even if that means being alone, it’s completely fine. Because I’m doing things that make me happy.
I may have gone to the gym every single night this week, and watched Christmas movies while I’m there.
I may have gone and one my homework by myself at the MC, but I’ve gotten a lot of studying done.
It’s not my fault if you forgot your key and I’m not there.
Get used to it.


  1. i love you. and that you used a blair waldorf quote. and that you're doing this. i am too. it's time we live our lives!

  2. yeahhh girl :) do it. you will love the freedom you'll feel.

  3. When life hands you lemons, buy limes and make sprite :) I am proud that you are standing on your own two feet and doing things that make you happy regardless of what others are doing!


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