Sunday, April 1, 2012

to the future.

(For some reason the song player isn't working, so go listen to Children by VV Brown (feat. Chiddy) if you need some tunes!)

You know those letters you write to yourself? The ones that you tell yourself everything you wish to be in X amount of time?

I found one I wrote to myself at the start of last semester. Davianna had us all write a letter to ourselves in relief society the very first Sunday together. This was before she became my good friend, before I asked for help, before everything changed really.

This letter was supposed to describe where I wanted to be by the end of the semester.

September 9, 2011

Hey there buddy.

By now I hope you aren’t sad anymore. This sadness thing is getting old. I hope you made up your mind about which school you want to go to. You could have a boyfriend, I wouldn’t mind one bit. I hope you have a greater testimony and good grades. I hope you aren’t so frightened all of the time. I wish you happiness buddy. Boat loads. Remember to let people in. Remember to love. Be happy.


Guess what? I got pretty much everything I wanted.

I’ll let you guess what I didn’t get.

Bahaa. I’m funny.

I feel like an entirely different person than I was two years ago when I decided to change schools. I feel like finally I know I made the right choice for me. I’ve learned so much since I started this blog. I’ve learned about life, love, friendship. You all have been there for me throughout this time of huge change. You have been there when the floor fell from under me, when I found a boy who made me swoon, when the floor fell again, when I tried to pick up the pieces and failed.

You where there when I finally decided to change something.

Talking about happiness and finding it are different things.

I’m happy.

                I’m really, really happy.

I’m going back to school in two weeks. Crazy right?

I’m excited/nervous/hopeful.

Everything is about to change again. But this change is so, so good. I’ve been given another fresh start. A new apartment. New roommates. New classes. New major (sort of).

But most importantly, I have a new outlook.

Also, bonus Jonas, I couldn’t pick one song to have on this post so my ‘happy playlist’ that’s been playing NONSTOP shall be posted very, very soon.


Here’s a sneak peek of my ‘what I want to achieve this semester’ letter for this upcoming semester.

Dear Me,

Hey. You finished your sophomore year of school! Crazy pants is right. Stars and stripes, junior year is coming in September. This semester I hope you did something young and reckless. I hope you surprised yourself. I really hope you kissed a few boys. Yep. I just said that. I’ve got plans missy, and I can’t have your darn fear getting in the way. So, hopefully you threw that out the window, because you deserve a life that is full of blue eyes and sunshine….

I'm back little ones, I'm ready for a new adventure. This semester is going to change everything.

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speak and you shall be heard.