Monday, March 14, 2011

dating diaries: the prom special [part three]

I was reading when I got a text from Quinci asking me if I was wearing pants.
I responded and not three seconds later she was in my room, telling me I had five minutes to make myself decent.
Rude. Oh-so rude.
I went downstairs to find a clue.
A scavenger hunt.
We went all around town only to end up at Jami’s house. But, there where technical difficulties apparently and I was not allowed in the room. Therefore Quinci sat on me.
When I finally was summoned into the main room of Jami’s house, they told me to sit down, across from an opened laptop.
Then, a very familiar, Southern accented, voice came from the laptop.
Cody then appeared. In a little girls bedroom, but we don’t ask those kinds of questions when I hadn’t seen him in three months. We made small talk, the normal. He liked my headband. I suddenly wished I’d actually listened to my friends when they told me to look decent. I didn’t in the slightest.
He then proceeded to ask me, “Meg, will you go to your prom with me?”
Jami had to go to work, and the internet kept going in and out. So we said another goodbye.
It was magical seeing him again. He wasn’t fake, like I sometimes pretend people who are far away are, he was real. And going to fly out to take me to my prom.
Dreamy? Oh yes.
I was going to see him in four weeks.
I sent him a pair of pinstripe Vans to wear with his tux, in response. My 'yes' in the note.
Even though Cody and I had been whatever we where for months now, my best friends always have a few tricks up their sleeves.
Such as an application to date me.
Integration and fingerprints included.
                Don’t fret. I have said application. And a scanner.
Stay tuned!

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