Sunday, April 10, 2011

sunday confession.

Dear attractive young man,
It was really nice to see you today. You looked very, very nice.
Did you like my dress? We matched. Did you notice?
Your black and red tie was extra nice. I wanted to ask you if you know the tie secret I learned at the tie store, but I didn’t. Did you see me smile at you from where I sat?
I saved you a seat in Sunday school, but you didn’t take it. That’s okay. You didn’t know that I was for you.
Do you know that I’ve been waiting this entire year for you to ask me out?
It’s almost too late; I’m moving oh-so soon.
Just so you know.


  1. So SPEAK UP! Smile.... Touch him on the elbow and look into his eyes. Maybe he needs a little encouragement.

    Love, Your Mother

    PS I am recording extreme couponing as we speak

  2. Did you forget the Grip that guarantees he’ll ask you out. Touch his pronator teres, a short muscle found just below the elbow. Massage it with your index and middle finger, your thumb nestling above. It's in the pink bible


speak and you shall be heard.