Tuesday, May 31, 2011

you look really good today.

I’m going to be brief. Because I am sleepy and must, repeat must, be attending the gym early in the morn.
I’m going to write in Shelb style.

Because she’s great. And today I remembered how much I enjoy conversing with her.  Including a new addiction of our favorite raging alcoholic.

Today I went back to high school. I was there, ten to eight as usual. I went back to help with yearbook distribution because editors never say die.

I went with Gina and watched people from a diner like window for the entire school day.

We saw a man with a head. 

One with a bushy white tail attached to his jeans.

Another held a girls leg for her while she played him a song on her guitar.

Several butt grabs. Hugs. Squeals. Too short shorts. Leggins as pants. People asking me if I graduated. Or why they haven’t seen me around this year.

“Is that the yearbook?”
                ‘No, it’s just a wristband’

Thanks for bringing me back to my glory days.

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